Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Skull and Crossbone nail art!

Hey guys! 
So since halloween is right around the corner(tomorrow), I decided to post a really cute and easy halloweennail art design, its super adorable and easy to do and you will definitely start getting compliments!

Tools & nail polish required: 

1. dotting tool
2. nail art brush 
3.aluminum foil
4. q tip & nail polish remover
5. white and black nail polish (collection & miss sporty-no name)
6. base and top coat (h&m base coat & sally hanson insta dri top coat)

Lets get started!

1. apply your base coat, wait till dry
2. accent finger gets white and every other one gets black 
3. dont forget two coats to make it every opaque
4. grab your aluminum foil, add a dot of white, grab your dotting toil
5. start by making the end of the bone by dotting all over the nail by adding a line to a few of the dots this will make the bones
6. middle finger gets 2 dots for each end of the bone to make it bigger
7. small bones again for the pointer finger
8.  for thumb repeat same steps as number 6
9. add a few small triangles to the base/ cuticle of the accent nail, add two black eyes and one mouth  ( dot) 
10. clean up around the edges with a q tip diped into some nail polish remover and add a top coat to seal your design!

And thats it, hope you guys enjoyed dont forget if you recreate this design dont forget to send us a picture to our email and we wont forget to check it out!

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