Monday, 3 March 2014

Monday Couch Potatoe | Bianca Denise

Hey Y'all! I almost havent posted here in 2 weeks! Sorry about that. I have some super exciting news to tell you guys! I have started a youtube channel! I've wanted to for such a long time and I was always so hesitant because I always thought "everybody would judge me" but you know what? If I was doing something I was interested in and I was passionate about who cares what others think? So yeah I uploaded 2 videos so far and I did a February favourites as well. 
Here's the link:

Here's the thumbnail for the video! 

In other news... I cut my hair!!!

I call this picture "The Cut."
I've wanted to cut my hair for such a long time and I was always hesitant and I thought "if I don't do it now, I'll never do it" And I'm honestly loving it!
I just wanted to update you guys on everything so far and I hope I can post on here more often and I guess I'll see you guys again during the week when I do my regular weekly post! 

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