Saturday, 23 November 2013

Ready Recipe: Save your Moolah with a a Homemade Starbucks!

Hey guys!
Lately i've been obsessing over starbuck's so tioday i'll show you how to make your very own starbuck's frapucunno:

* 1 ½ cups cold coffee (coffee chilled in the refrigerator) 
* ½ cup whole milk* -- P40+ (a carton) 
* ½ cup sugar 
* 1 teaspoon chocolate syrup 
* ¼ teaspoon salt 
* 1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract 
* 3 cups crushed ice or ice cubes 
* whipped cream (optional) 

* First, combine the coffee, milk, sugar, chocolate syrup and salt in a blender and mix them on medium speed for about 15 seconds. 
* Second, add the vanilla extract and ice and blend on high speed until smooth and creamy. Stir with spoon if necessary, to help blend. 
* And last, pour the frappuccino in a glass. You could also put whipped cream on top to achieve that real Starbucks frap look. 

Thats it hope you guys try it out! Tell me what you think?:)

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