Friday, 20 December 2013

Sweet as Candy: Lush Snow Fairy shower gel review

Hey Bees,
Snow Fairy: All 3 sizes

About a month ago, I went to town with the Fam. We happened to pass by a lush shop and my natural instincts kicked in and I automaticcally went in. Now if you've ever been in a Lush shop, as soon as you go in, you're greeted by about 100 different scents and it's a bit overwhelming.  But if you managed to stay within 5 minutes you've survived the most difficult part. I knew the Christmas stock was in so I looked around, hoping to spot a new product to try & then I saw it. On a little self beside "Ponche" and "Rose Jam". It sorta had this glowing lightcoming down onto it. I took one sniff and I had to get it. It was like love at first sniff! Now the low-down:

Product: Lush Snow Fairy Shower Gel
Packaging: Simple Lush shower tube, pastel pink colour
Scent: Extremely sweet and smell like Lush lip scrub "Bubblegum"

  1. With Lush shower gels, they last like forever! So instead of the biggest tube, I got the middle one.
  2. The scent lingers on skin.
  3. Good lather and scent is not as strong when lathered up.
  4.  The scent is sweet but a bit overwhelming                                                                                                                     
  1. Price: about £6.50 (euros) is a bit overpriced whether its Lush or not.
  2. Scent can be too sweet for those who do not like sweet scented things
  3. Product is limited edition.
  4. Scent is similar to other products in Lush

So overall I think this product is amazing! Not only is it good for your skin, it makes you smell like a sweet gumdrop.  Rate: 4/5 ( the price is too much)

Would I repurchase? YES!

I hope you guys enjoyed this review! Don't forget to comment, tell your friends and to keep on reading our blog! Have an amazing New Year!

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