Wednesday, 1 January 2014

New Year's Resolutions! ~ Zahra


It's a new year so that means new beginnings.

Here are my new years resolutions:
I say this every year but lets see if I actually do it this year.

-Study more
I honestly have to stop puttig off studying till the very last minute.

-Eat healtier
I really need to cut down on the junk food and all the fast-food food.

-Learn new recipes
This year I want to learn to cook/bake more things than I already can. Also learn to cook healthy meals.

-Take care of plants/flowers
Okay I suck at taking care of plants so when Spring rolls around I want to start gardening and learn how to actually keep a flower alive for longer than 5 days. I think I'll start with a cactus.

-Work more on my hobbies
I realised I haven't been doing the things (hobbies) I used to love all that often and I also want to try out new things this year.

-Try not to judge a book by its cover
In 2013 I met a lot of new people and learnt many things about people I already know. I always have a bad first impression about someone (I don't even know why, I just do) but some how I end up loving that person so in 2014 (and the rest of my life) I want to get to know someone before I jugde them.

-Read more books
Speaking about jugding books, I need to start reading more.

-No more drama
2013 was streesful and I'm sick of drama. I'm gonna keep 2014 drama free (wish me good luck) 

-Enjoy the little things in life
Don't rush things and enjoy what's going on around you.

Well that's my new years resolution.
What's your? Comment below

Bye for now xx

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